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Psychedelic Integration Specialist

Are you looking to make a change internally, or struggling with a burdening problem, but haven’t found a solution? Have you attempted to solve your problem through psychedelics, but have been unable to achieve the results you desired?


I am a psychedelic integration specialist, and I can help if you:

  • Have done psychedelics and feel lonely that no one gets what you experienced

  • Are curious about trying psychedelics  

  • Desire to make sense of what that your trip/journey was all about

  • Have been struggling since your trip/journey, and wish there was a way to apply what you felt


Here’s how I help guide your psychedelic journey:

  1. Once you reach out, we will schedule an initial consultation where I will listen to your situation and work to understand your goals and needs.

  2. Based on our consultation, we will schedule a set number of sessions where I will walk with you every step of the way using trauma informed, somatic integrative practices.  Regardless of what stage of your psychedelic journey you are on, support and growth are possible.

  3. We will reflect together intermittently on how your path is progressing to meet your desires so we can make adjustments as needed.



Integration is what transmutes the downloads and inspirations into actionable and sustainable steps in your daily life.  Integration takes a state change into a trait change.

Integration might look like:

-I help you harvest insights, wisdom and downloads so that the negative self talk and frustration at feeling like not enough can become a sense of consistent inner strength, patience, and purpose.

-I help you normalize what feels abnormal so that a state of depression or fear can become a trait of inspiration and peace or calm.

-I help you establish healthy boundaries and clear communication so that you don't have to feel insecure, uncertain, or misunderstood which will allow you to become assertive in your desires and dreams while feeling connected and belonging.

-I help you make sense of what you experienced so that all the nervousness and overthinking can settle into a gentle inner knowing of hopefulness and clarity.

-I help you move forward so that basic tasks that feel like hurtles to overcome can begin to feel like joyful expressions of life in flow

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