May Of Change

Oh the yearning

The longing

Please let something come that is worthy

That makes a difference

That matters and is good


You brought me

To this moment

You feel I am your best chance at this

This change

This becoming

This arrival

This opening


The love that is in me

Dying to get out

Longing to land someplace

Where blooming and joy become alive

Where water and hope flow

Where the warm sun shines

And the cool breeze relieves our longing

Back again now

To this moment

Where I am


Where I have been waiting

All along

To arrive

To remember

To love

I have seen the struggle of the change. I've also witnessed the turning inward for meaning. I've loved you every step of the way and commend your bravery.

It's rarely clear what any of this is all about, but the ability to sustain or move forward has always been available. Thank you for reminding me why I get up everyday and try again.

Blessings to you and all you do. Summer


Adaptation and Evolution


Be The Change